Shreya Arora
Or Travel with
Diwali is like Black Friday for brands in India. Newspapers are filled with a barrage of Diwali sale ads and behemoths like Amazon and Flipkart pay top dollar for front-page advertising. But as Cleartrip, a challenger brand, we only had money for the 7th page.
Shopping on e-commerce is impulsive. Booking trips is not. But if people end up having more money in their bank by not splurging this season, they’ll automatically have money to book their next trip. What if we could make people realise the trips they will miss out on if they buy a new phone/new pair of sneakers or a new appliance?

In true challenger-brand spirit we launched, a web app that turned all e-commerce deals into travel deals, through a simple QR code scan through our print ad.
With every scan, we revealed travel offers of the same or lower amount, introducing a brand-new way for people to rethink their festive spends.

Copy: Kaavya Shah | Brand Strategy: Yash Dugar
Art: Shreya Arora | Creative Direction: Pooja Manek
Case Film: Aabhaas Shreshtha, Ritam Mukherjee, Aatif Sheikh